Administrative Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students


Administrative Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students by Schools [Effective]
学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法 [现行有效]

Order of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security


(No.        42)


In accordance with laws and regulations and the administration functions of departments, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security have jointly developed the Administrative Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students by Schools, which are hereby issued, and shall come into force on July 1, 2017.


Minister of Education: Chen Baosheng


Minister of Foreign Affairs: Wang Yi


Minister of Public Security: Guo Shengkun


March 20, 2017


Administrative Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students by Schools


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总

Article1 In order to regulate the enrollment, cultivation and administration of international students by schools, facilitate international students' study in schools within the territory of China, promote international exchanges and cooperation in education, and improve the international level of China's education, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China,  the Exit-Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations.

  第一条 为规范学校招收、培养、管理国际学生的行为,为国际学生在中国境内学校学习提供便利,增进教育对外交流与合作,提高中国教育国际化水平,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》等法律法规,制定本办法。

Article2 For the purpose of these Measures, “schools” means the schools that provide pre-school education, primary education, secondary education and higher education within the territory of the People's Republic of  China.

  第二条 本办法所称学校,是指中华人民共和国境内实施学前教育、初等教育、中等教育和高等教育的学校。

For the purpose of these Measures, “international students” means foreign students who do not have the Chinese nationality in accordance with the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China and receive education at schools.


ChaptersII through V of these Measures shall apply to the institutions of higher education. The enrollment, teaching andon-campus administration of international students by the schools that provide pre-school  education, primary education and secondary education shall be governed by the provisions of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.


Article3 Schools' enrollment and cultivation of international students shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations and policies of the state; shall maintain the sovereignty, security and public interests of the state; and shall regulate administration and guarantee quality.

  第三条 学校招收和培养国际学生,应当遵守中国法律法规和国家政策;应当维护国家主权、安全和社会公共利益;应当规范管理、保证质量。

International students shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations, respect Chinese customs and habits, abide by school rules and regulations, and complete the learning tasks of schools.


Article4 The education administrative department of the State Council shall conduct overall administration of the work on international students nationwide, take charge of developing the macro policies for enrolling and cultivating international students, and guide and coordinate with the education administrative departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and schools in conducting the work on international students, and may authorize the relevant entities and industry organizations to undertake the international student administration and service work.

  第四条 国务院教育行政部门统筹管理全国国际学生工作,负责制定招收、培养国际学生的宏观政策,指导、协调省、自治区、直辖市人民政府教育行政部门和学校开展国际学生工作,并可委托有关单位和行业组织承担国际学生的管理和服务工作。

The administrative departments of foreign affairs and public security of  the State Council shall, according to their respective functions, effectively conduct the relevant administration work concerning international  students.


Article5 The education administrative departments of the people's government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall take charge of guiding, coordinating in and supervising the international student work within their respective administrative regions, and take charge of researching and developing the relevant policies for the international student work at the stages of pre-school education, primary education and secondary education within their respective administrative regions.

  第五条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府教育行政部门对本行政区域内国际学生工作进行指导、协调和监管,负责研究制定本行政区域内学前、初等、中等教育阶段国际学生工作的相关政策。

The administrative departments of foreign affairs and public security of  the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, according to their respective functions, effectively conduct the relevant administration work on international students.


Article6 The schools that enroll international students shall establish and improve the international student enrollment, cultivation, administration and service system, and be specifically responsible for the enrollment and cultivation of international students.

  第六条 招收国际学生的学校,应当建立健全国际学生招收、培养、管理和服务制度,具体负责国际学生的招收与培养。

Chapter II Enrollment Administration

第二章 招生管理

Article 7 The institutions of higher education that enroll international students shall have the corresponding education and teaching conditions and cultivation capabilities, and independently enroll international students in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.

  第七条 招收国际学生的高等学校,应当具备相应的教育教学条件和培养能力,并依照国家有关规定自主招收国际学生。

Article 8 The institutions of higher education that enroll international students shall undergo the recordation formalities in accordance with  the matters and procedures as prescribed by the education administrative department of the State Council.

  第八条 招收国际学生的高等学校,应当按照国务院教育行政部门规定的事项和程序进行备案。

Article9 The international students enrolled by institutions of higher education for degree education may be classified as junior college (associate's) degree candidates, bachelor's degree candidates, master's degree candidates or doctoral degree candidates; and those for non-degree education may be classified as preparatory students, cultivation-course attendants or visiting scholars.

  第九条 高等学校招收国际学生,接受学历教育的类别为:专科生、本科生、硕士研究生和博士研究生;接受非学历教育的类别为:预科生、进修生和研究学者。

Article 10 Institutions of higher education shall, according to their conditions for running schools and cultivation capabilities, determine on their own the international student enrollment plans and the majors for enrollment, except as otherwise provided for by the state.

  第十条 高等学校按照其办学条件和培养能力自主确定国际学生招生计划和专业,国家另有规定的除外。

Article11 Institutions of higher education shall, in accordance with the enrollment provisions of the state, develop and publish their respective international student enrollment guides, and recruit international students in accordance with the conditions and procedures as stipulated in the enrollment guides.

  第十一条 高等学校按照国家招生规定,制定和公布本校国际学生招生简章,并按照招生简章规定的条件和程序招收国际学生。

Article12 Institutions of higher education shall examine the admission qualifications and economic guarantee certificates of foreign citizens who make enrollment applications, and conduct the examinations or assessments there of. The admission of international students shall be decided by schools; and the students who fail to meet the enrollment conditions may not be recruited by schools.

  第十二条 高等学校应当对报名申请的外国公民的入学资格和经济保证证明进行审查,对其进行考试或者考核。国际学生的录取由学校决定;对不符合招生条件的,学校不得招收。

Article13 Institutions of higher education may receive the international students enrolled by or transferred from other schools with the consent of the schools that originally enroll the students.

  第十三条 高等学校经征得原招生学校同意,可以接收由其他学校录取或者转学的国际学生。

Article14 The charging items and standards for international students of institutions of higher education shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the state.

  第十四条 高等学校对国际学生的收费项目和标准,按照国家有关规定执行。

Institutions of higher educations shall publish the charging items and standards for international students and the provisions on the refunds for the students who drop out of schools or are transferred to another schools. Both charges and refunds shall be calculated in RMB.


ChapterIII Teaching Administration

第三章 教学管理

Article15 Institutions of higher education shall incorporate the teaching plans for international students into the overall teaching plans of the schools, select and assign teachers suitable for international student teaching, and establish and improve the education and teaching quality  assurance system.

  第十五条 高等学校应当将国际学生教学计划纳入学校总体教学计划,选派适合国际学生教学的师资,建立健全教育教学质量保障制度。

Article 16 International students shall participate in course learning according to the curriculums and teaching plans of the institutions of higher education, and participate in the corresponding graduation examinations or assessment in accordance with the relevant provisions. Schools shall truthfully record their academic performance and daily performance.

  第十六条 国际学生应当按照高等学校的课程安排和教学计划参加课程学习,并应当按照规定参加相应的毕业考试或者考核。学校应当如实记录其学习成绩和日常表现。

Both “Chinese Language” and “a Survey of China” shall be compulsory courses for higher education. “Theory of Politics” shall be a compulsory course for international students whose major is philosophy or politics.


Article17 International students may, after being enrolled, change their majors upon their applications and with the consent of institutions of higher education. The conditions and procedures for changing majors shall be stipulated by schools.

  第十七条 国际学生入学后,经学生申请、高等学校同意,国际学生可以转专业。转专业条件和程序由学校规定。

Article18 The “Standard Spoken and Written Chinese Language of the People's Republic of China” is the basic teaching language for the cultivation of international students by institutions of higher education. Schools may provide the international students whose national standard spoken and written Chinese language levels fail to meet the study requirements with necessary conditions for taking remedial courses.

  第十八条 中华人民共和国通用语言文字是高等学校培养国际学生的基本教学语言。对国家通用语言文字水平达不到学习要求的国际学生,学校可以提供必要的补习条件。

Article19 The eligible institutions of higher learning may establish the specialized courses taught in foreign languages for international students. The international students that accept higher education in foreign languages may write academic dissertations in the corresponding foreign languages, while the abstracts of the dissertations shall be written in Chinese; and whether the defenses of academic dissertations are in foreign languages shall be determined by schools.

  第十九条 具备条件的高等学校,可以为国际学生开设使用外国语言进行教学的专业课程。使用外国语言接受高等学历教育的国际学生,学位论文可以使用相应的外国文字撰写,论文摘要应为中文;学位论文答辩是否使用外国语言,由学校确定。

Article20 Institutions of higher education shall, according to teaching plans, organize international students to participate in practice teaching and social practices, and the selection of places of internships and practices shall abide by the relevant provisions of the state.

  第二十条 高等学校按照教学计划组织国际学生参加教学实习和社会实践,选择实习、实践地点应当遵守国家有关规定。

Article21 Institutions of higher education shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, issue diplomas or other academic certificates to international students. Institutions of higher education shall handle the electronic registration of school rolls and diplomas of international students in a timely manner.

  第二十一条 高等学校根据国家有关规定为国际学生颁发学历证书或者其他学业证书。对接受高等学历教育的国际学生,高等学校应当及时为其办理学籍和毕业证书电子注册。

Institutions  of higher education shall grant degree certificates to the international students that meet the conditions for being awarded academic degrees.


Chapter IV On-campus Administration

第四章 校内管理

Article22 Institutions of higher education shall specify the working bodies that assume the international student administration function, and take charge of making overall coordination in the recruitment, teaching and day-to-day administration of and service for international students as well as the alumni contact after graduation and other work.

  第二十二条 高等学校应当明确承担国际学生管理职能的工作机构,负责统筹协调国际学生的招收、教学、日常管理和服务以及毕业后的校友联系等工作。

Article23 Institutions of higher education shall publicly disclose to international students the basic information of the schools, education and teaching situations, enrollment guides and the international student administration and service system, so as to facilitate the international students' obtainment of information.

  第二十三条 高等学校应当向国际学生公开学校基本情况、教育教学情况、招生简章以及国际学生管理与服务制度,方便国际学生获取信息。

Article24 Institutions of higher education shall provide international students with food and accommodation and other necessary life service facilities, and establish and improve and issue the administration system for the use of service facilities. International students living outside the dormitories of schools shall undergo the registration formalities with the public security departments at their places of  residence in a timely manner.

  第二十四条 高等学校应当为国际学生提供食宿等必要的生活服务设施,建立健全并公布服务设施使用管理制度。国际学生在学校宿舍外居住的,应当及时到居住地公安部门办理登记手续。

Article25 Institutions of higher education shall educate international students in terms of Chinese laws and regulations, school disciplines and rules, national conditions and school situations, the excellent traditional Chinese culture, customs and habits, among others, so as to help them get familiar with and adapt to the learning and living environment as soon as possible.

  第二十五条 高等学校应当对国际学生开展中国法律法规、校纪校规、国情校情、中华优秀传统文化和风俗习惯等方面内容的教育,帮助其尽快熟悉和适应学习、生活环境。

Institutions of higher education shall establish the posts of international student counselors, understand international students' learning and living needs, and effectively conduct the service work in terms of information, consultation, and recreational and sports activities, among others. The proportion of international student counselors shall not be lower than that of Chinese student counselors, and international student counselors may enjoy the same treatment as Chinese student counselors.


Article26 Institutions of higher education shall encourage international students to participate in cultural and sports activities that are conducive to physical and mental health, and facilitate their participation in cultural and sports activities. International students may participate in the celebration activities of public welfare activities and China's major festivals on a voluntary basis.

  第二十六条 高等学校鼓励国际学生参加有益于身心健康的文体活动,为其参加文体活动提供便利条件。国际学生可以自愿参加公益活动、中国重大节日的庆祝活动。

Institutions of higher education generally do not organize international students to  participate in military trainings and political activities.


Article 27 International students may, with the consent of institutions of higher learning, hold the activities celebrating important traditional festivals of their own countries at the designated locations of the  schools and within the specified scopes. During these activities, objections to and attacks against other countries, or words or actions that violate public morality shall not be permitted.

  第二十七条 国际学生经高等学校同意,可以在校内指定的地点和范围举行庆祝本国重要传统节日的活动,但不得有反对、攻击其他国家、民族的内容或者违反公共道德的言行。

Article28 International students may, upon approval by institutions of higher  education,establish friendship groups on campus, and carry out activities within the scope as prescribed by Chinese laws and regulations, and accept the guidance and administration of schools.

  第二十八条 国际学生经高等学校批准,可以在学校内成立联谊团体,在中国法律、法规规定的范围内活动,并接受学校的指导和管理。

Article29 Institutions of higher education shall respect the national customs and religious beliefs of international students, but do not provide venues for holding religious activities. No missionary or religious gatherings or any other religious activities may be conducted within the schools.

  第二十九条 高等学校应当尊重国际学生的民族习俗和宗教信仰,但不提供宗教活动场所。学校内不得进行传教、宗教聚会等任何宗教活动。

Article30 International students may participate in work-study programs during their study in institutions of higher education, but shall not get employed, do business or engage in other operational activities

  第三十条 国际学生在高等学校学习期间可以参加勤工助学活动,但不得就业、经商或从事其他经营性活动。

The specific administrative provisions on work-study programs for international students shall be developed separately by the education administrative department of the State Council in conjunction with the relevant departments.


Article31 Institutions of higher education shall conduct the administration of  school rolls of international students by reference to the administrative provisions on the administration of school rolls of Chinese students. Where a school orders any international student to leave school or take a disciplinary action of dismissing him or her from school, it shall undergo the recordation formalities in accordance with the provisions of the education administrative department of the State Council.

  第三十一条 高等学校参照中国学生学籍管理规定开展国际学生学籍管理工作。学校对国际学生做出退学处理或者开除学籍处分的,应当按照国务院教育行政部门的规定进行备案。

Chapter V Scholarships

第五章 奖学金

Article32 The Chinese Government has established the Chinese Government Scholarships for international students who receive higher education, and encourages the local people's governments to establish international student scholarships.

  第三十二条 中国政府为接受高等教育的国际学生设立中国政府奖学金,并鼓励地方人民政府设立国际学生奖学金。

The measures for the administration of the Chinese Government Scholarships shall be developed by the relevant administrative departments of the State Council.


Article33 The education administrative department of the State Council shall authorizeon a merit basis institutions of higher education to cultivate students under Chinese Government Scholarship Programs. The  institutions of higher education that undertake the task of cultivating the Chinese government scholarship students shall give priority to the enrollment of students under Chinese Government Scholarship Programs.

  第三十三条 国务院教育行政部门择优委托高等学校培养中国政府奖学金生。承担中国政府奖学金生培养任务的高等学校,应当优先招收中国政府奖学金生。

Article34 Institutions of higher education may set up scholarships for international students. Enterprises, public institutions, social groups and other social organizations and individuals shall be encouraged to set up international student scholarships, but shall not set any additional unreasonable conditions.

  第三十四条 高等学校可以为国际学生设立奖学金。鼓励企事业单位、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人设立国际学生奖学金,但不得附加不合理条件。

Chapter VI Social Administration

第六章 社会管理

Article35 Where a foreigner applies for studying at a school as mentioned in Article 2 of these Measures, he or she shall, before entry, apply for an X1 or X2 visa to the Chinese embassy or consulate in his or her  country of nationality or the country of residence or otherChina's institution stationed abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs according to his or her duration of study, and submit as required the certificates that have undergone the recordation formalities with the education administrative department, the admission notice and other relevant materials issued by the school.

  第三十五条 外国人申请到本办法第二条所指的学校学习的,应当在入境前根据其学习期限向中国驻其国籍国或居住地国使领馆或外交部委托的其他驻外机构申请办理X1字或X2字签证,按照规定提交经教育主管部门备案的证明和学校出具的录取通知书等相关材料。

Article36 Where an international student needs to apply for a residence certificate after the study visa he or she holds is indicated with “entry,” he or she shall, within 30 days from the date of entry, apply for a foreigner residence certificate for study to the entry and exit administrative department of the public security organ at the place  where he or she is to reside.

  第三十六条 国际学生所持学习类签证注明入境后需要办理居留证件的,应当自入境之日起三十日内,向拟居留地公安机关出入境管理部门申请办理学习类外国人居留证件。

Article37 If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has otherwise provided for an application for study in a school filed by any person of a foreign diplomatic mission or consulate in China or the representative office of an international organization stationed in China or any of his or her accompanying family members, such provision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall prevail. Whoever fails to undergo the relevant formalities as required may not be enrolled by a school.

  第三十七条 外交部对外国驻华外交代表机构、领事机构及国际组织驻华代表机构人员及其随任家属申请到学校学习另有规定的,依照外交部规定执行。未按规定办理相关手续的,学校不得招收。

Article38 To enroll an international student who is under the age of eighteen and whose parents do not permanently reside within the territory of China, a school shall require his or her parents to formally authorize a foreigner who permanently resides within the territory of China or a Chinese to act as the international student's guardian, and provide the relevant certification materials.

  第三十八条 学校招收未满十八周岁且父母不在中国境内常住的国际学生,须要求其父母正式委托在中国境内常住的外国人或者中国人作为该国际学生的监护人,并提供相关证明材料。

A school may accept the international students who come to China in a group for short-term study, provided that such school has concluded an agreement in advance with the foreign entity that dispatches these international students. Where a school that provides primary or secondary education accepts the international students who come to China in a group for short-term study, the foreign entity that dispatches these international students shall, in accordance with the legal provisions of the country where it is located, undergo in advanceall legal formalities necessary for organizing the entry and exit of minors, and assign persons to come with the groups and act as the guardians of the international students during their study at  schools.


Article39 International students shall, when entering schools, undergo the confirmation formalities for a Foreigner's Physical Examination Record with the health and quarantine departments in China or take physical examinations in accordance with the provisions of the health administrative departments in China. Where it is confirmed in a physical examinationthat an international student suffers from serious mental disorder, infectious pulmonary tuberculosis or any other infectious disease that may cause serious damage to the public health as prescribed in the Exit-Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, the public security organ shall handle the issue in  accordance with the law.

  第三十九条 国际学生入学时应当按照中国卫生行政部门的规定到中国卫生检疫部门办理《外国人体格检查记录》确认手续或者进行体检。经体检确认患有《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》规定的严重精神障碍、传染性肺结核病或者有可能对公共卫生造成重大危害的其他传染病的,由公安部门依法处理。

Article40 A school shall implement the system under which all international students shall be covered by insurance. International students must be insured in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and the requirements of the schools. An international student who fails to purchase insurance in accordance with the relevant provisions shall be insured within a prescribed time limit; otherwise, he or she shall not be enrolled by the school. If the student has already studied at school, he or she shall be dropped out of school or shall not be registered.

  第四十条 学校实行国际学生全员保险制度。国际学生必须按照国家有关规定和学校要求投保。对未按照规定购买保险的,应限期投保,逾期不投保的,学校不予录取;对于已在学校学习的,应予退学或不予注册。

Chapter VII Supervision and Administration

第七章 监督管理

Article41 The education administrative department of the State Council shall establish and improve the quality supervision system for the cultivation of international students. The education administrative departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall supervise the cultivation of international students within their respective administrative regions.

  第四十一条 国务院教育行政部门建立健全国际学生培养质量监督制度。省、自治区、直辖市教育行政部门应当对本行政区域的国际学生培养进行监督。

Article42 The administrative departments of education, public security and  foreign affairs of the State Council that assume the function of the administration of international students shall establish the international student information management system by utilizing modern information technologies, promote the working mechanism for information sharing, and keep improving the administration of and service for international students.

  第四十二条 负有国际学生管理职责的国务院教育、公安、外交等行政部门,应当利用现代信息技术建立国际学生信息管理系统,推进信息共享工作机制,不断完善国际学生的管理与服务工作。

Article43 The international students who violate the Exit-Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, the Public Security Administration Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreign Nationals, the Provisions on the Administration of Religious Activities of Foreigners within the Territory of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations shall be handled by the public security and other competent departments in accordance with the law.

  第四十三条 对违反《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》以及《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定》等法律法规规定的国际学生,公安等主管部门应当依法处理。

Article44 Where an institution conducts any of the following acts in the process of recruiting and cultivating international students, the education administrative department shall order it to make rectification, and hold it legally liable in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, and may restrict it from recruiting international students:

  第四十四条 高等学校在国际学生招收和培养过程中出现以下行为的,主管教育行政部门应当责令其整改,按照《中华人民共和国教育法》的有关规定追究法律责任,并可以限制其招收国际学生:

(1)  Recruiting students in violation of the provisions of the state or the  enrollment requirements of the school.


(2)   Seeking profits in the process of recruiting students.


(3)  Failing to publicly disclose charging items or standards or failing to  charge fees according to the items and standards.


(4) Issuing degree certificates,diplomas, or other academic certificates in  violation of regulations.


(5) Having inferiorteaching quality or conducting improper administration or providing ineffective services, causing adverse social impacts.


(6)     Committing any other violation of laws or regulations.


Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

第八章 附

Article45 For the purpose of these Measures, “short-term study” means studying in a Chinese school for 180 days or less; and “long-term study” means studying in a Chinese school for more than 180 days.

  第四十五条 本办法中的短期学习是指在中国学校学习时间不超过180日(含),长期学习是指在中国学校学习时间超过180日。

Article46 The enrollment of international students by a scientific research institution approved to undertake the task of postgraduate education within the territory of China shall be governed by these Measures.

  第四十六条 中国境内经批准承担研究生教育任务的科学研究机构招收国际学生的,按照本办法执行。

These Measures may apply, mutatis mutandis, to the enrollment of international students by an educational institution approved by the education administrative department to provide the non-degree education.


The enrollment, cultivation and administration of students from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Taiwan Region, as well as the enrollment, cultivation and administration of the children of foreigners within the territory of China shall be governed by other relevant provisions of the state.


Article47 The departments of education, foreign affairs and public security of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in accordance with these Measures, develop the administrative provisions of their respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

  第四十七条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府教育、外事、公安等部门,应当根据本办法,制定本省、自治区、直辖市的管理规定。

Article48 These Measures shall come into force on July 1, 2017. The Provisions on the Administration of Acceptance of Foreign Students by Chinese Institutions of Higher Education issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security on January 31, 2000, and the Interim Measures for the Administration of  the Acceptance of Foreign Students by Middle and Primary Schools issued by the Ministry of Education on July 21, 1999, shall be repealed concurrently.

  第四十八条 本办法自201771日起施行。教育部、外交部、公安部2000131日发布的《高等学校接受外国留学生管理规定》、教育部1999721日发布的《中小学接受外国学生管理暂行办法》同时废止。